05 July 2021


This is Vortex's anti-reflection device.

It's not a Killflash™ because that's a trademark of Tenebraex.

It's a simple thing, really.  Just a bit of a honeycomb mesh with enough thickness to keep light from the sides from glinting back at an observer.  It really doesn't help prevent reflections from being seen by something you're pointing the scope at when the light source is behind them.

But it's exactly the kind of thing that the anti-gunners will decide is a "military" feature and try to ban.

I don't know if it's much help, but it doesn't hurt anything so...  I like to have one on.

I need some for the 5x Primary Arms scopes now too.


  1. I have had certain angles of sunlight flare on the honeycomb effectively eliminating your view through the RDS.

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    1. Did you even read the very first sentence of the post?

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  4. excitedVulcan has decided that they'd prefer special moderation.


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