22 July 2021

To What End Exactly

I've noticed that every place Mr Soros drops a lot of money and is successful in getting the candidate he paid for sworn in, that place turns into a shit-hole in rapid order.

I also notice that the avowed socialist branch of the Democrat Party are advancing a decidedly Fascisti solution to the shit-hole problem.

Considering what shoulders Mr Soros used to rub, it makes you wonder if fascism is the goal he's trying to achieve.

A small group of entrepreneurs got very wealthy in Nationalist Socialist Germany after all.

1 comment:

  1. that guy is like a james bond villain. where's 007? oh yeah, shaggin the hot double agent. or maybe he's been defunded. soros and company, there are several buddies in cahoots with him all batshit crazy, makes money on the destabilized economy and i think he just enjoys it. after all, he turned his own people in during the war. he can never make enough, nor betray enough to fill his empty soul. i wish hungary would snatch him up israeli style. they and several others have warrants out on him.


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