22 July 2021

I Wasn't Busy That's For Sure

Ever just get so wrapped up in doing nothing that you totally forget to come up with something to post on your blog?

That's where I've been!

Just a whole lotta nothin going on.

The Bear is doing well, starting to assert himself in our little pride a bit more; and getting the expected feedback for doing it.  But he's healthy as he tries to move from the #3 bottom spot to #2.

The Boy is doing bowling for Special Olympics.  Not doing as well as bikes, but we've gotten no word from Special Olympics about the state level games...  Bowling has been taking up bike practice time, so he's not prepared anyway.

Got yelled at for keying some bitch's Jeep.  Wasn't me, didn't do it.  But she should learn to park between the lines rather than more than a foot over into the next spot.  The last spot, as it happened.  I fell on my face trying to squeeze out of Moxie and my left shin still hurts from her running boards.  I will give her detective skills a boost and suggest that the person who keyed her car couldn't get their car into that space and after walking from the back 40 to the business, keyed her precious Jeep.  But thanks for blaming ME.

Mr Fleetwood, who used to respond to such calls in his past life as a State Trooper, says all the cops are going to do is let her run down, give her some crayons to color a standardized report and tell her to call her insurance.

She joins me in finding damage to their car and not really having a recourse to fix it.  But she should look inward as to why someone might have been angry with her.  I was none too thrilled falling on my face because she didn't leave me enough room to get out!

1 comment:

  1. Wow.
    Sometimes a jolly time is had by all who park in the back row. Or at least not right next to poor drivers/parkers.


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