19 July 2022

How Long Until

I've been hearing about "Glock switches" and how you can just swap out the slide plate and you've changed your legal semi-automatic Glock into an illegal machine gun.

Over and over I've heard about designs being "readily convertible" to full-auto being illegal, with the line being drawn at some arbitrary number of hours with a machine shop to be not readily convertible.

It seems that the "Glock switch" is a couple of minutes and no machining required sort of deal that renders Glock readily convertible.

How long until ATF AFT changes the Glock's legal standing?

Or are we in one of those penumbras where the switch is the MG and the gun you mount it in isn't really converted, like with an AR Lightning Link?


  1. i've shot a g18...while fun, unless you have a brace of some kind, they are pretty useless...if you are past 10 yards away from the target, you may hit it with the first 2 rounds...no telling where the other are going...panzer guy

  2. Not for nothing, but pretty much any semi automatic weapon could become "full automatic"... Hypothetically should the sear be "damaged" on most of them you'd mag dump when you pulled the trigger or the old FALs I was familiar with when I was younger could quite easily become full auto with a matchstick or piece of cardboard... But guessing the folks writing the laws either do not know this or understand it... Or the end game could easily be "all semi autos must be banned"... NOT saying those conversions are useful of course, just that they are possible :-)


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