18 July 2022

Oh Yeah

Willard reminded me of the reason that, while I enjoyed what I read of 1632, I didn't get past the halfway mark of 1633.


Unions solve all the problems and don't create any new ones!

It kept ruining my willing suspension of disbelief.


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  2. :-) Growing up in the 70's with relatives working in the Steel industry and at Cat I got to see the Unions at their worst... Well, that and living/working in Illinois for so long... So, yeah, guessing that'll be a pass for me as well... Is nice here in TX not having to get a Union electrician to run a network cable (incorrectly) for every little thing... At least from an "IT manager's perspective" I suppose...

  3. One problem with that whole series is that Flint, being a Marxist (a Trotskyite, I believe---basically a Communist who wants to continue to true-believe without having to answer for Stalin's atrocities, conveniently forgetting Lenin's crimes) consistently underestimates how extremely important religion was in that era. Downtimers keep just giving up their fervently held beliefs when given talkings-to by uptimers, or coming around to modern-type relative religious tolerance after seeing it in action at Grantville. That sort of thing was seen only after the Thirty Years' War, and at first, only here and there, like in the Netherlands.


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