18 July 2022

She Be Home

The Lovely Harvey is home and sleeping like a baby.  She wakes up every two hours crying.  (I kid)

She's got to do an IV push twice a day for two weeks of some kind of antibiotic.

We've got home-health lined up for that.

She's just drained from the surgery to get the infection out of her arm and the antibiotics.

Happily, she will get more sleep here because I won't be needing to wake her up every four hours to take her vitals.

I just check to see if she's breathing.


  1. Bet she misses that awesome hospital food already. And the people who come to get blood samples at all hours of the day. A hospital stay is like living in a submarine - day and night hours no longer matter.

    Glad to hear she is home safe and sound.


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