01 April 2024

Bad Faith

The song is about you if you think I am describing you.

Even if I wasn't talking about you.

If you find the shoe is fitting, go ahead and wear it.

You will find a full refund of the money you spent on your subscription in the mail.  Hold you breath, it will make it come faster.

I have said it before, I will doubtlessly say it again, I would be batting at the bare bulb if nobody was reading.

That means the only expectations I need to meet are my own.

This blog isn't FOR the readers.  It's for the author.

You might note that the title isn't "McThag's Debating Society".

Stefan, this is for you:

There was a sentence in my original post you apparently ignored.

"There's no compelling evidence that Japan was going to surrender any time soon before we dropped those two weapons."

You go on to attempt to use the non-compelling evidence to convince me that the US is evil and should have...  I stopped reading.

I recognized your debating style and I know how it goes, so I skipped to the end.  You're not going to convince me with "evidence" I'm already aware of on a position of morality that I don't share with you.

I've met lots of historians of your ilk and it's constant proof that only the highly educated can be that stupid.

It's been decently proven, using just the facts, that dropping Fat Man and Little Boy was a net positive for everyone involved.

And for fucks sake, when I keep bringing up an asshole like Curtis LeMay, it'd do you some good to read up on him.  He's one asshole I'm not spoon feeding the readers.

But here we are, trying to apply modern liberal sensibilities to an historical event and not even trying to see it from the perspective of the people making the decision.

But let's accept, as a given, that the Japanese were going to surrender on their own on August 7, 1945.

I would still have dropped Little Boy without hesitation.


To quote Dr Strangelove, "Why didn't you tell the world!?!?"

That's the key thing about the "they were about to surrender" fantasy that its proponents always forget.

Japan was not communicating anything but "fight to the last man" outside its own councils, there'd be records if true from non-Japanese sources.

The fantasy originates from post-war anti-war Japanese activists who were both trying to sanitize Japan's evils and stain the US's reputation.

No, Stefan, I am not going to debate this until you're satisfied.  You will never be satisfied, it's not a Sealion's nature to be.  What you want is for me to admit you're right and I (and Beans, a more thorough historian than I) are wrong.  We really wanna go at this, I'll summon The Fleetwood.  He's a better historian AND smarter than us (fucker).

But there's no point.

You think war is wrong.  I don't think you realize that you do, but you do.

I think war is an evil that must sometimes be done to save what one holds dear.  The only reason to use restraint or have compassion is if it saves your people's lives and shortens the duration.  Otherwise, turn your key to the left to launch on my count...

1 comment:

  1. There is an excellent and comprehensive discussion of this subject by the "Unauthorized History of the Pacific War Podcast" (https://www.youtube.com/@UnauthorizedHistoryPacificWar), a Youtube channel hosted by a historian and a former USN sub captain.

    The specific episode in question is here":
    ...with the bottom line being "The atomic bombings were the 'least abhorrent choice' among of a lot of lousy options".

    One of the options on the table was a total (years long) blockade of the Japanese home islands, coupled with air strikes on the Japanese transportation infrastructure, which would have doomed millions of Japanese to starvation with the crippling of the distribution of the already inadequate food production. And during those years, millions more Chinese would have been killed by the un-surrendered Japanese in China, to the amount of something like "a Hiroshima's worth of dead Chinese every month or two."

    Highly recommended. I'm a military history buff, and I still learned a lot by watching.


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