11 April 2024

Pour A Big Glass Of "Told You So"

Streets fail to run in blood AGAIN after gun laws loosened.

I doubt that this will cause anyone in Tallahassee to change their minds and legalize campus and open carry.

I want campus way more than open because of where The Lovely Harvey works.

Open carry would be nice because then I could stop worrying about accidental exposure in the summer when I have to down-grade my carry gun to survive the heat and humidity.

Open carry would give me what I think of as "mostly" or "partially" conceal carry.

The problem with this method is the chance of the shirt riding up and over the gun.

The police in several jurisdictions have decided that the brief and accidental exposure law doesn't mean what it says and any exposure is illegal open carry.

They tend to be the same places where open carry fishing makes the news.



  1. We have open carry and campus carry here in Texas and the blood failed to run in the streets. Even with permitless carry including open carry which really set off the hand wringers. And like before most of the law breakers are prohibited people that the new looser laws don't apply to anyway.

  2. I've only been following their arguments for like 15 years, but AFAIK they have a perfect record. They've never gotten a single one of those "blood will run in the streets" arguments right. They've never been right once. They're 0 for - I don't know. 100? Many hundreds?

    As the saying goes, a stopped clock is right twice a day, so they're not as accurate as a dead clock.


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