11 April 2024

Looking For The Real Killers In New Places

OJ Simpson has succumbed to age.

I'd forgotten him until Marv mentioned his death.

I watched the moderate speed pursuit live.

I paid attention to the trial.

I listened to conspiracy theories.

I was pissed at our "justice" system essentially trying him twice and was baffled at a civil trial could commence on the question of wrongful death when the criminal trial said, "he didn't kill anyone."

I found out that our system would still hang you with the lower standard of evidence required in a civil suit, where "eh, maybe?" is enough to get a conviction.


  1. Watched an interview with the chief prosecutor, conducted years after the trial, and was astounded by all the chicanery and outright bullscat pulled by the defense, the judge and the jury. Jury? Yeah, turns out that she wasn't allowed to do proper discovery on the jurists at all and it was soundly stacked pro-OJ.

    1. The defense got over on a lot of things from the attempt to scour all appearance of racism from the trial.

      That compromised jury and judge selection.

  2. Has anybody checked into whether Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman knew things that could send Hillary Clinton to prison for the rest of her life?


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