30 April 2024

It's Not GURPSing

The martel de fer from Cold Steel is raising issues with the rules as written.

Both sides do the same number of dice.  The beak, doing impaling damage, is only advantageous after it's penetrated the armor.

My, presumably, ST 11 gets 1d+2 cr for the hammer and 1d+2 imp for the beak.  2d-1 if I use both hands.

The beak gets a +2 bonus for targeting chinks in the armor, for a -6 penalty.  Hitting said chink halves the DR from the hit.

Watching people hitting plate armor on YouTube, one gets the impression that either the presenter is very strong and is rolling epically well, OR there's a prominent chink right in the center of every breastplate.

With me, hitting light plate's DR3, the average hit of 5 means that 2 penetrates with either face, but the pick side does 4.  The average roll has no chance against the DR 6 of medium plate, unless I hit at -6.  I don't think I have that skill level.

What I am observing is the pick making a hole in medium plate and the hammer making a dent.

The people who designed weapons like this were looking to punch armor.  The understood that if you made the point of impact much smaller, the same force would be applied to a smaller area and be more likely to penetrate.

I am thinking that a pick is better simulated by making the damage armor piercing.

Halving the DR when coupled with the chance of the pick getting stuck is even somewhat balanced.

I have a new house rule based on a reality check!


  1. And your analysis goes with historic analysis of dead bodies struck by war picks.

    Friend, back in the late 80's, used a rock hammer to easily punch into 16 and 14 gauge steel. Short handle, so less momentum/swing energy and he'd pop holes in plates like they were nothing, and he wasn't particularly strong.

    So, yes, AP aspects for the pick. Same with Pike Awls and Bodkin and Pile arrowheads. Definitely not medieval broadheads or any real hunting head.

    1. I am considering changing the damage type to pi from imp as well. Getting double damage post penetration on top of being armor piercing might be unbalancing and I'm not sure there's evidence that wound is disproportionately harmful like arrows and spears show. A pick is depth limited by the haft.


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