23 April 2024

Packrat Payoff

The DVD drive in the Mac Pro decided to make whirring noises rather than play the disk.

Happily, I had a spare drive in a bin in the garage!

Which is good because this ancient thing uses IDE for the optical drives.

Remember IDE?


  1. Let me know if you need any more IDE devices, have a basement full as I maintain machines from DOS on up to present day crap.

  2. Around here somewhere I've got a whole box of IDE CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD, DVD-RW drives of various speeds, most of which are IDE... but I'm probably a far worse packrat than most. If you really want to talk about old... I think I've got a few SCSI or proprietary interface drives as well... IDE took off because it was cheaper than SCSI and more or less a standard compared to the predecessors in the PC world... Mitsumi, Panasonic, Sony, Phillips, etc. Back in those days each one required its own controller, cabling, drivers, etc. A lot of them plugged into the "Sound Blaster" card, which if you got the deluxe version had the multiple connections for the different types of proprietary interfaces... Man, I don't miss that mess.

  3. My people laugh at me because I have things like that around... But since I came from the world of building my own machines I like to have the option should it be required... Good luck with the machine though!


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