07 April 2024

Twas Another Time

Looking something up in my copy of GURPS: Scarlet Pimpernel and I noticed:

For those of who have computers, SJ Games operates a BBS with discussion areas for several games, including GURPS. Much of the playtest feedback for new products comes from the BBS. It's up 24 hours a day at 512-447-4449, at 300, 1200 or 24M) baud. Give us a call!

For those of us who have computers...

Copyright 1991.

I didn't own a computer then.  I didn't own a computer until after I moved to Florida in 1997.

I was barely online in 1996 with a terminal and 900 baud connection!  And if my roomie picked up the phone, I was done with the bulletin boards that day.

I kinda miss talk.politics.guns.


  1. 900 baud?? did you flip the 6 for a 9?? What hardware were you using for a modem???

    1. Possible I don't remember exactly. 900 sounded right to the deteriorated brain cell keeping the information.

      It was new enough that it didn't have a cradle for the handset.

      When I get my time machine, I'll go look at my terminal in my old apartment and double check.

  2. I had a computer in 1990, but it wasn't connected or online. It was a pretty primitive machine, but an improvement over the TRS-80 with 8" floppy drives I'd first learned on. (Kids these days...spoiled rotten...grumble grumble...)

    When I was a kid myself, I'd have sold my soul in a second for our modern Internet, particularly Amazon.com.

  3. I had a computer for a long time by 1991, close to 10 years. I had been online with a modem since around 1983. 300 baud at first then later 1200bps and eventually faster. I even ran a BBS for a few years in the mid to late 1980s. That SJG phone number is a local one for me but I bet it doesn't answer with a modem anymore. I still have a few modems around here but they haven't been used in years. I was on dialup Internet service starting in 1991. I've had DSL or some other form of broadband Internet since around 1996. There are still a few text BBSs online, but most of them are accessed through the Internet now. I am not even sure how well modems will work over the VoIP phone lines I have these days.

  4. Woops... forgot to sign that... -swj


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