22 April 2024


Just watched Sound of Freedom.

Considering the implications of what is said at the end about how much slavery and how many slaves are children in the world...

African American race baiters demanding reparations over something that didn't even happen to them sounds like being bitches.

So, bitches, what are you doing to stop slavery?

I know what one white dude did.

1 comment:

  1. I know what a helluva lot of white guys did to stop slavery. Death toll from that experience on this continent ended somewhere in the 1950s. And the whole anti-slavery thingy worldwide was started by whites, and where it's ended was done by whites.

    Meanwhile, slavery by blacks against blacks is still practiced on the home continent of blacks. And practiced unofficially in India by Indians against Indians. And in the Middle East by arabics/persians against everyone else. And and and....

    The one people who everyone else should be paying reparations to are... white people. Because we did the job nobody else wanted to do, that is the job of ending chattel slavery.


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