01 April 2024

Things That Should Be Simple

Company builds a house on the wrong lot and somehow the owner of the lot is responsible?

This shit would stop dead in its tracks if it resulted in a "thanks for the free house," if the homeowner wanted it.

"Restore the lot to its condition before you broke ground, at the developer and builder's expense," being another way to end this stupidity.

The idea that the property owner has the fewest rights of anyone on the land is abhorrent.

What we should be aiming at is "nobody gets fucked" if they abide by the rules and contracts and fucking the people breaking the rules and contracts with a dildo dipped in resin and rolled in ground glass; regardless of if they're the property owner, tenant or trespasser.

And building a house on the wrong plot is definitely trespassing.

1 comment:

  1. This makes police raiding the wrong address look like competence...no, like genius.


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