25 April 2024

Because They Don't Need Us

The reason the RINO GOP in Tallahassee don't advance pro-gun bills is because they don't need gun owners to retain power up there.

I get the impression that the leadership up there doesn't like him much, and a decent part of the blame for that is actually at Marion's feet.

She was definitely an NRA or Florida Sportsman Association or nothing sort.

Her attitude is pervasive up there, and GOA FL is not NRA or FSA and the legislators don't feel that GOA can affect elections.

They further know that we don't wish to commit political suicide by electing Democrats.


  1. Democrats are usually much better at knowing which of their ostesible constituents to take for granted than Republicans but it looks like RINOs in FL have figured out how to follow their example.

  2. The nra screwed califukya for years . They begged for money to "save" gun rights , and then would spend it elsewhere. I asked a nra representative at a gun show why my gun rights in califukya weren't being protected , he said they could get better results easier in other states. Screw the nra.


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