07 April 2024

I Know What Gun The Players Will Choose

Is the Long Land Pattern Musket aka Brown Bess superior or inferior to the French Mle 1777 musket, aka Charleville?

In the real world, the French gun is lighter, stronger, more durable and has a better chance of having parts interchange.  The British gun is easier manufacture and cheaper.

But the real world doesn't matter to MY readers!  They want the GURPS numbers.

The French gun is lighter.  9.3 v 10.2 lb.

The British gun does more damage, but not much more.  4d+2 pi++ v 4d+1 pi++.

The British gun is cheaper.  G$100 v G$150.

The French gun has more reach.  110/1,200 v 100/1,100.

You need to be stronger to use the British gun.  ST 11† v ST 10†.

The French gun is bulkier.  -7 v -6.

The British gun is more reliable.  Malf 16 v 15.  <-- This rarely comes up.

The players are going to buy the Brown Bess.  It's cheaper, does more damage and is more reliable.

1 comment:

  1. My friend who did Rev War said this about the two guns. The Charleville looks good on the shoulder, the Brown Bess looks good in racks or stacks. Basically the Charleville is better fitted to the shoulder for firing, which makes it more comfortable to shoot. The Brown Bess will knock the snot out of the shooter and less ergonomic to shoot.

    He also said that, overall, the Charleville was more accurate and easier to maintain.


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