03 April 2024

It Happens

The IDF blew up a convoy of aid vehicles.

Unless they specifically set out to kill the aid workers, this is in the same category as friendly fire.

You don't want it to happen, you do what you can to keep it from happening, but it's gonna happen.

When you go wandering in an active war zone, you run the risk of getting killed by one side or the other if they mistake you for the enemy.

Even if you sought and got permission from both sides to be where you were.

Communication breaks down and the dudes on the triggers might not have gotten the word.

Quite a propaganda coup for Hamas, though.


  1. When I heard about this, my immediate assumptions were that the "aid workers" were one or more of:
    a) not necessarily offering only humanitarian aid
    b) probably not where they were supposed to be
    c) sacrificial pawns
    d) possibly completely fictional

    Now that I have seen the Australian government's tepid response to the issue, I am leaning more strongly towards one or more of my assumptions being correct.

    1. Come now, it's not as if Palestinian organizations have used ambulances to transport war material or other such ruses before.

    2. ... and now comes the gloating report:

      The strike on the aid convoy, which travelled along a route approved by the Israeli army, killed seven workers of the World Central Kitchen – but the target, an armed man thought to be a terrorist, never left the warehouse with the cars


    3. Damn. Don't go to war zones is the obvious answer. You might just get killed through no fault of your own.

      I love the line, "deteriorating international legitimacy." I am thinking that Israel is getting sick of the international legitimacy that keeps resetting this conflict back to antebellum start points to happen again and again.

      If all these aid organizations really want to help, they should advocate that Hamas surrender, fully and totally, then the IDF won't be shooting at anyone and it will cease to be a war zone.

      Just sayin'.

  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Not my circus, not my monkeys. I care about this about as much as I would about the Chaco War if that was what was going on. I would personally prefer that we not be tied so very closely to the Israelis, but my views are in a minority. I will also note that I do not care for the sight of American-born American citizens expressing fervent patriotism for a foreign country. I find it unbecoming.

    1. Considering the Chaco war was settled decades before you was born, why would you care?

    2. My point is that, like the Chaco War, I have no dog in this fight.

    3. We haven't had a dog in any fight since we last did a punitive raid into Mexico.

      If this is your basis for rooting for one side or another...

      And rooting for one side over the other is what I'm doing. The so-called Palestinians aren't civilized. The Israelis are.

      Moreso, the Israelis are part of western civilization whereas none of the Arab world is.

      I'm rooting for the team on my side of the civilizational gap. I always will.

      I also think we should help our fellow western-civs when the conflict of civilizations comes up.

    4. We had them in World War One (the Zimmerman telegram) and World War Two (Pearl Harbor).


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