30 April 2024

The Unpopular Observation

I notice that a garden variety criminal got a 4:1 kill ratio on a warrant service and an 8:1 casualty ratio.

That math does not bode well for a "Mr and Mrs America, turn them all in," confiscation scheme.

There's a considerable number of people who are far better prepared to repel law enforcement than the deceased criminal in question.

Enough that I think that law enforcement organizations should get on our side here rather than maintaining their third side in the debate about gun control.

In truth, they need us on their side in the everyday performance of their jobs.  Note, I don't say, "duty," because the courts have stripped duty from the job description.

The common citizen and the police, in a healthy society, have common cause and are aligned in their wants and needs.

This present, unhealthy, state isn't a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. And in states like Florida, where state gun registration does not exist (and Hollyweird always gets that wrong) the only idea that someone has a gun is by going to the state carry permit list or the not-supposed-to-have lists of people going through fed gun background checks.

    So how exactly are they going to find who has all the guns in a neighborhood? By going to the very people who have taken the time and spent the money to get a permit or have a tax stamp? You know, the people most likely to resist door-to-door shenanigans short of trying to remove guns from the local drug house or Cartel shop.


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