03 April 2024

Mox Nix

It would seem they're remaking Romeo and Juliet as a movie again.  Nope, it's a stage production.

And they're casting a black woman as Juliet!


I really only care if she can act and do the part justice.

Why am I blase about it?

Because I've seen Denzel Washington and Keanu Reeves cast as brothers in a film version of "Much Ado About Nothing" and it's excellent.

If we really want to get twisted about Shakespeare, we should demand that all female roles be portrayed by men; as they were when his plays were first performed.

My personal preference is still for the '68 Zeferelli version.

So far, I don't think I've seen Juliet portrayed as described in the play unless you count Gwyneth Paltrow in Shakespeare in Love.

But I am braced for being told that I will not like it because they've cast a black woman as Juliet.

What I demand is the entire Capulet clan be cast with black actors!  They're blood relatives, after all.


  1. I'm not planning on watching it, since to me the 1968 version is THE version. All others are heresy.

    1. The DiCaprio version is worth a watch.

    2. It's pretty good. But, damn, Olivia Hussy...


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