10 February 2016

Fucking Useless

Next pro-gun organization tells me I need to get out the vote or call my congress-critter gets punched in the throat.

First off, I can do that without a pro-gun organization existing at all.

Second, it does fuck all to alleviate the situation when nothing pro-gun will happen in the state senate because the senate president and the chairman of the judicial committee both have decided that no liberty will be expanded on their watch.

Andy Gardiner is from Orlando and as Senate President he could bring the bill the House passed to a vote, bypassing the judicial committee.  Orlando... Orlando...  Oh yeah, THE FUCKING MOUSE HOUSE.  The anti-gun theme parks own a senator.

It could get to the floor despite him if it could get out of the judical committee.  But the chairman of that committee is Miguel Díaz de la Portilla.  Miami-Dade RINO.

So what it comes down to is getting a super majority in both houses, and a governor who's in the same party comes to naught because of two people.  Two people who blithely ignore us because... what?  You going to vote for a Democrat?

No.  I'm going to stay the fuck home.

Why?  Because that "pro-gun" super-majority that I was asked to get elected are why he's Senate President and why a Democrat in all but name is telling us to fuck off in the committee.

Pro-gun orgs want me back?  Get the pro gun stuff on the constitutional amendment vote.  Bypass them altogether.

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