10 March 2020

Explain Why Bottled Watter For The Quarantine

I'm watching people freak out over COVID-19 and see them hoarding bottled water.

Are you really expecting the taps to stop working?

Even Wuhan didn't lose power or water during this and they have the worst hit of anywhere.

And they wonder why we call them sheeple.


  1. Because they want to get ahead of all the foul weather preppers starting soon.

  2. Explain it? As I understand it, people are afraid that the quarantines will get so extensive that the water plant workers will be confined to their homes and with nobody to run the system it will fail.

    Over 20 years ago, my wife was in the hospital for surgery and the city water went out for over a day. It was February - no hurricanes. She got water because she was a patient. I had to buy cokes. Water goes out in the best of times.

  3. They figure they'll need all that extra water to flush all that extra toilet paper...

    I went to buy some distilled water for my wife's tree frogs. There was a sign limiting purchases to 6 gallons.


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