20 March 2020

Not Necessarily Comparable

Let's all wet our pants about how bad this has been in Italy.


Stop for a second and ask why it's so much worse in Italy than Korea?

Why is it so much worse in Italy than on Diamond Princess?

What about what makes Italy so much worse is also present in The United States?

If you don't have the answer to all three things then you don't really know how bad it will be here.

Do I think some parts of the US are going to get as bad as Italy?

I think California is.  They were severely strained before this and didn't need the extra load on the system.

I don't think Florida is going to get that bad for most of the state, but God's Waiting Room down in Broward/Miami-Dade has nearly all the cases.  The demographics are very similar to Diamond Princess.

Hope for Diamond Princess.

Actually, I think we're going to do much better than Diamond Princess because we're less on top of each other for the most part.

There's a lot of people in the media yelling 'FIRE!' into the crowded theater, and a couple of bloggers who just fucking jerking themselves off that this is the end times and BY GOD! they were right!  This time, for sure, they promise.

Not that it matters, if they were the experts at this they claim they are, we'd all have died of ebola already.

Note that we have not died of any calamity they've predicted was an absolute certainty.

Cull them from your reading list until this is over and you should probably stop bothering with the folks who're linking to them as well.

They don't mean you well and are happier than a pig in shit to be spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt.


  1. The common denominator between ChiCom, Italy and everywhere else that has turned into Corona-Hell, and places that will become Corona-Hell (from countries to states to cities) is...

    Long word. Starts with 'S' and ends in 'ism.'

    Like certain middle east countries, which really are more socialistic than theistic.

    Communist China.
    Aforementioned Middle East places.
    New York City.
    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Socialism kills, kids. One way or another, socialism kills. Death, war, famine, disease, doom, doom and doom. That really is the only thing socialism does well.

    Give me rabid capitalism please!

  2. Yep. What you said.

    And we must remember, during the Spanish Influenza, all the doom and gloomers were predicting the end of the world, bodies in the streets, mass grave, only 1 in 10 alive afterwards, nothing we can do, blah blah, blah. Simple precautions in the days before antibiotics, such as not coughing on people, sneezing on people, washing one's hands, keeping oneself and one's belongings and clothes clean, and not doing the post-WWI version of a mosh pit, slowed and stopped the spread.

    Unfortunately, these simple precautions weren't practiced until way too late, due to the petrie dish of WWI amongst the trenches and hospitals and military bases, all places where simple precautions couldn't be followed, and thus the dead did stack like cordwood. In specific, horrid locations, much line Wuhan of today, or Italy, or Iran (or, unfortunately the bum-ridden crap-holes that our major cities have become,) the disease grew, exploded and mutated, in a world where epidemiology was barely above guessing and statistical analysis.

    Today? They mapped the structure of Novel Wuhan ChiCom Corona 19 Flu in 2 months. And were able to number-crunch said structure mapping to select already-existing medication that could act upon WCCC19 Flu within weeks of said mapping. And are now in emergency trials of said already-existing meds vs said flu.

    Damn. We live in interesting and fascinating times. Where the truth comes out almost as fast as false rumors and rampant speculations.

    In earlier times, some of the doom-sayers would be wandering around the city, shouting at people, wearing a sandwich board proudly proclaiming 'The End is Nigh!'

  3. Here in Iowa, we have 22 cases in Johnson County, and other cases scattered around---no more than one or two per county, and a lot of counties don't seem to have cases. I suspect the University of Iowa's large Chinese student population.

  4. FWIW, I predicted that a vaccine would be available for testing in 10 weeks from when things got sporty - according to some report that I read it was actually 65 days.

    Now IF only government can be kept out of it, and IF hydroxy-chloroquine proves effective, then COVID-19 disease is well on the way to being just a minor nuisance for most people.

    1. Hydroxychloroquine and amoxicillin together appear to have promising results too.

      Both are available off label, cheap and in quantity.

      Fingers crossed for good results!


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