16 March 2020

Fatality Rate Of COVID-19

You only know the CFR of a disease once you know the total number of infections against deaths.

Since COVID-19 presents as a mild case of "the flu" for 80% of the confirmed cases, it's very likely that a much higher percent of the infected aren't seeking any kind of professional treatment at all.

That will mean they will not be counted in the total number of infections and that will make the disease appear to be more lethal than it is.

This is also why it's difficult to compare it to The Spanish Flu, MERS, SARS, Swine Flu and Asian Flu.  For all of those, nearly everyone who caught it got sick enough that calling a doctor seemed prudent; thus a more accurate count of the number of infected is made.

It's still way too soon to see how deadly this disease was.

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