25 March 2020

Subtitle: Calm The Fuck Down

The Elephant and the Cat

h/t Irish

I am coming of a mind to grab a tinfoil hat and wonder if this was hyped by the Chinese to make us panic and stab our economy in the guts.

Especially so since our supposed "free" press has parroted whatever Beijing has told them to say; and was obvious about it when Xi Jinping got upset that everyone was using the traditional naming system for a new disease.

Counterpoint to the linked article: We panicked because we didn't have much data to go on when it hit our shores.

Why would we panic?  Because the data we got was unreliable.  China outright lied to us.  Italy was unable to tell the truth because of systemic failures of its reporting system.

Then there was "our" own press.  Eager to make the president look bad at any cost, they screamed 'FIRE' in our crowded theater.

Self proclaimed experts chimed in and fanned the embers until people reacted as if there was a fire.

1 comment:

  1. On the other hand, the Communist Chinese's War on our population using drugs has been really shut down.

    Communist China is the country that provides:

    1. Precursor chemicals for the production of cocaine, meth, fentanyl and other drugs-of-abuse.

    2. The actual drugs, mostly fentanyl. But heroin, meth, LSD, PCP and so on and so forth.

    Which they have been selling to the various cartels, in wholesale lots.

    Which has been now pretty much shut down due to the slowdown of shipping.

    Why do I say it is a war by China against us? Simple. Find a chemical company in Communist China that is not owned directly or controlled by either the PLA or by Party Members.

    Think about it. Who, in relation to precursor chemicals and drugs:

    Controls the factories producing them?
    Controls the shipping companies that ship them?
    Controls the ports the stuff ships from?
    Controls the ports the stuff comes in from?
    Controls some of the banks used to transfer funds and monies?

    Communist China has been waging economic and chemical war against us since they first were allowed to participate in trade with the USA.

    After this is over, we need to ask, at the point of a gun if necessary, some really tough questions.


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