18 March 2020

G&D Continued

One of them is in the comments at several blogs.

He's dismissing the positive data because it doesn't support his forgone conclusion of worst case being what will happen, for sure this time.

While he appears to have a lot of readers and supporters, and he puts on the appearance of sound methodology...

He's managed to accurately predict the outcome of exactly zero epidemics so far.

Remember folks, when claiming you're using science to make predictions your hypothesis MUST be in full agreement with all available data.

If your hypothesis is not falsifiable, then it's invalid.

If your hypothesis ignores any relevant data, then it's invalid.

If someone is pushing an invalid hypothesis, then ignore them.

Odds are their bias is infecting other areas too and you probably shouldn't trust those ideas either.

Hmmm...  Come to think of it, this particular case failed to identify cause and effect with regards to open carry being banned in a few cases.


I notice that he comments at opinion places, like here, and is very confrontational.  He's completely absent from science blogs dealing in facts and data and have scientists debating the merits of the claims.

Almost as if he knows he can bully less accredited people into submission by making claims as to his employment as an "expert" rather than by the merit of his argument.

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