13 March 2020

Got Used To That Damn Fast

I'm adjusting my new Mills belt to my tubby belly and I go to see if I can wear my Peacemaker too.


No picture because... ashamed of the tubby.

I took off the Mills belt and left the gun belt on and just did my normal stuff in the house.

Took some more pictures.  Measured for new chain on the swing set.

Got ready to go out front to take pictures of the vultures and had a record needle scratch moment...

I was still wearing the SAA.

I had been for a couple hours.

"Wow, I got comfortable with open carrying this thing awfully darn fast!" I thought to myself.

I'd have been perfectly legal open carrying on my own property.  In fact, I was open carrying in my back yard measuring the swing set and taking pictures.  Privacy fences rock!

But out front...  I'd no point to make with the neighbors; no need to cause any alarm.

It was, however very nice.  I wish it were an option that was more available to me.



1 comment:

  1. Oh, you silly gun-larper....

    There, I said so others wouldn't.

    And what you said, easy comfort, is exactly why open carry should be allowed. Because concealed carry sucks in so many ways in extreme climates. Like... Alaska in Winter or Florida year round (where either one is sweating to death, drowning to death, freezing to death or all three because people in the middle of winter insist on turning up the darned thermostat to blazing hot even when there's snow on the ground and it feels more Montana than Florida (yes, it does that once in a while up here in Alachuastan.))

    Would not mind seeing a picture of your rig. Too bad people would freak if you went to some place that has a mannequin and dressed it. But as one with an 'adult' figure, I understand your interest in not showing yours.


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