08 March 2020

Triple Or Three Gun

Traveller turrets have long been single, double and triple in Little Black Book 2.

LBB 5 handled turrets differently, but the total number of weapons were the same per type.

But a "triple turret" in Traveller wasn't a triple turret.  It was a three-gun turret.

We know this because if you mounted a laser, sandcaster and missile rack in one... you could target two different targets with the offensive weapons and use the sand independently of them.

Triple means all three weapons are aimed at the same target at the same time.


If all the weapons in your turret were the same... the three gun turret becomes a triple...


The rules break the combat phases by weapon type, not by individual weapon.

Two turrets could engage two targets independently, but... all like weapons in that turret must fire at the same target.

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