24 March 2020


With approximately 14,000 people traveling from mainland China per day before the travel ban kicked in, and the Wu Ping Cough being active starting in December 2019...

Our current lock down and bad-lawmaking opportunity is closing the barn door after the horses have escaped and been slaughtered for dog food.

When you also grab the CDC's numbers for influenza like illnesses; a strong case can be made that it's been here since late December and we're on the down-slope side.

Downslope with a bit of a recent uptick.  I also noticed that uptick corresponds to a cold snap up north (could be nothing though).

There's nothing to make me think that it hasn't been out there for three months longer than we were Doing Something® and that it's been not very severe in the face of it.

What we've been seeing is a massive uptick in changing "It's like the flu, but it's not the flu" into "It's this new one from China."

It might be cynical of me, but could the reason for the panic be that the most affected are also the most votingest demographic?

UPDATE: Another explanation for the recent uptick is this is the number of reported influenza like illnesses.  With people in full follow-the-herd-off-the-cliff panic, they're heading for the doctor instead of just curling up with Nyquil and Netflix.


  1. One thing that I notice is that Iowa, which has scattered cases here and there, has a huge clump of them in Johnson County, where Iowa City and the University of Iowa is. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

    1. A coincidence that there's also a large number of Chinese students too?

      I wonder if Ames has a clump as well, I didn't check.

    2. I don't think there is one there. Last time I saw the news, there wasn't.

  2. Probably been here since end of November. I came down with what I thought was flu on Dec 10th. got in my lungs and finally cleared up end of January. Coronavirus?? Who knows?? but looking back it seems to correlate with coronavirus.


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