22 March 2020

Is 20ga A Good Choice?


Shotgun damage in GURPS is based on what a 00 buckshot pellet can do.

This is 1d+1 pi from a 12ga 2-3/4" shell.  Everything gets adjusted from this exemplar.

9 pellets of 1d+1 pi is also very effective especially since a pump shotgun can fire two per turn.

There's a problem for smaller gauges.

Genuine buckshot doesn't tier into neat layers and thus doesn't pattern well at all.

16ga 2-3/4", for example, the largest shot is #1 Buck.  GURPS doesn't consider this to be "buck" but "bird".  Thus it gets a (0.5) armor divisor and a pi- size modifier.

You do get 12 pellets at 1d+1(0.5) pi-, but that's not really making up for the lost damage against 12ga.

For 20ga the biggest sphere of lead is #2 Buck in 3".  You get 18 pellets doing 1d (0.5) pi- for your effort.

Express in more "concrete" terms.

A single pellet of 00 buck will do 2-7 points, averaging 4.5 to the body of an unarmored target.
#1 buck does 0-3 and averages 1.75.
#2 does 0-2 and averages 1.25.

If we assume our DX 10, average shotgunner has put 2 points into their Guns/TL8 (Shotgun) then they have a skill of 11.

Acc is typically 3.

Firing 2 shots from their pump shotgun...

12ga is lobbing a RoF of 18 so +4 to hit.
16ga is throwing RoF of 24 so +4 to hit.
20ga is slinging RoF 36 for a +5 to hit.

25 yards seems a fair range for all of them, and that's -7 to hit.

After aiming we get an 11 to hit with 12ga and 16ga and 12 to hit with 20ga.

On average, the 12 and 16 will score 2 hits each and 20 will land 3 hits.

On average the 12 will score 9 damage, 16 and 20 will score 3.  That (0.5) armor divisor sucking 1 hit off each pellet is a "killer" here then dividing what penetrates by two because of small piercing...

Smaller gauges suck in GURPS.

Of note:  #10 bird (GURPS Smallshot) tungsten pellets doing 1d-5(0.2) pi- and hitting with as few as three is auto-death for turkeys.  Turkey's and other small critters must have practically no hit-points.

1 comment:

  1. Smaller gauges suck in real life. There's a reason 12ga was created.

    And with modern powder, 12ga is about as large as you need. Thus 10ga, 8ga and smaller all have fallen out of favor.

    Though, in a structure with short ranges (10 yards or less) the shot-cone of a 16 or 20ga should be good enough, thus the herd moving to 20ga for home defense.

    Meh. I gotz a 12ga with 18" barrel, tacticool stock and such. Gives me a good all-around gun. And I've looked at just getting barrels and swapping out as needed, but with gun prices before the latest panic vs barrel prices before the latest panic, there really wasn't much price difference between a good used gun and barrels. And, yeah, be easier just to get that Wingmaster than to try to screw around with my tacticool and try to slap a wingmaster barrel (not to mention having to plug all that wonderful tube mag space to deal with ammo count restrictions.)


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