20 March 2020

Return To Panic

The second wave of panic buying has moved through my area.

I think because this is many folk's payday.


We've decided to support a couple of the local eateries with delivery orders because we want them to be there when this is over.

1 comment:

  1. Weird, and, yes, panicked people with cash-in-hand have, well panicked and cleaned the shelves.

    I normally do a huge monthly shopping spree around the 16th or so, going from Walmart to Sams to Publix, and pick up a month's supply of essentials like meats, butter, cheese, bottled water, and such. And I've gotten weird looks when loading up a cart with said 1 month's worth of supplies. Which I now cannot do thanks to all the people suddenly deciding to A. cook at home exclusively, B. act like complete idiots, C. try to profit off the situation or D. all of the above.

    How nice.

    Fortunately, because A. I live in a hurricane-prone state, B. I'm not a complete idiot and C. I have purchased small overages of everything in order to have a cache in troubled times, I can wait a while before having to majorly restock. But, dangit, this stuff better be over before hurricane season so I can top off preps.


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