11 March 2020


When I first moved to Florida the entire idea of "hurricane" just hadn't penetrated my skull.

The first time I was confronted with one that might hit was a bit daunting and we were poor as dirt.

We were literally living check to check with not a penny to spare.

Thus, no prep.

Our neighbor across the street, however, was laying in carloads of food and water.

He, being a friendly sort of neighbor, came over to say 'hi' and asked if we were stocked up.

"Don't need to be," I said, "you bought plenty."

"Why would I share?" he asked, knowing there MUST be a punchline coming.

"Because your wife won't allow a gun in the house.  If you cover us for food, I'll keep the looters off ya."

"Deal!" he says!

I was reminded by this by our local Bernie Bro dropping off his second pick-up load of supplies today.

I am further reminded when I see the renters kitty-corner from him eyeing the unloading.

I know that the Bernie Bro doesn't want me to help, because using a gun to protect mere property is "wrong".

But if the renters become looters, game-on!

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