01 August 2020

Nuke The Unions

I've noticed something reading about cops and teachers in our post Chinese Bio-Warfare world...

The teachers and police unions are giving orders to their members.

These orders are being obeyed.

It occurs to me that the teachers and the police work for the unions and not us.

It also occurs to me that if they work for the union, then the unions can pay them.

I'd rather that they worked for US and not some third party insinuated between us.


  1. Yup. Both only exist for three reasons.

    1. To save the worst from being fired.
    2. To extort money from taxpayers.
    3. To funnel huge amounts of money to the Donks, no matter what the rank and file wish.

    They all need to be abolished. The political power they wield is outrageous, since both constantly use the "for the children" excuse.

    1. That well-known labor-basher Samuel Gompers was against public employees being unionized, as was that best buddy of the top-hatted capitalist pig class, Franklin D. Roosevelt. The rule forbidding them to be unionized was changed by the sainted John F. Kennedy, trolling, as always, for votes.


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