19 November 2022


The W82 warhead for the 155mm M785 shell would have continued development for Twilight:2000.

In GURPS terms 2kt does 6dx4,000 cr ex plus linked 6dx2,600 burn ex rad sur.

The 500 lb. Mk.82 GP Low-drag does 6dx33[6dx2] cr ex.

The Mk.84 GP Low-Drag bomb that's the heart of every 2,000 lb weapon in the inventory will deliver 6dx72[6dx2] cr ex.

The pussy little warhead in a GBU-39/B small diameter bomb does just 6dx15[6dx2] cr ex.  The larger warhead on the GBU-39A/B does 6dx30 cr ex.; by comparison the ancient (but similar weight) Mk.81 GP Low-Drag what does 6dx23[6dx2] cr ex.

A 16" High Capacity Mk 13 shell from an Iowa class does 6dx62(2) pi++ plus follow-up 6dx26[6dx2] cr ex.  Explosive D, aka "Dunnite" or ammonium picrate has an REF of 1.13, near as I can tell.

An M67 fragmentation grenade does 9d[2d] cr ex.

Just in case you're curious!


  1. So, just curious, what's the average hit points of a typical character? Because all of what you described above sounds like examples of overkill if you are just trying to kill the one guy who sold you a bad watch (subtle reference to a "What's New" comic by Foglio in the back of an old Dragon magazine.)

    1. The average person gets 10 HP from their 10 ST. Most adventurers go for more ST, thus get more HP.

      Going to zero hit points means you start checking to see if you're knocked unconscious.
      Once you are -1*HP you start checking to see if you die.
      At -5*HP you are dead automatically regardless of how well you are rolling.

    2. Thanks. More "Top Secret" than "D&D."

    3. GURPS, like Top Secret, has guns which are actually deadly. Honestly, even a common dagger can be a useful weapon in GURPS, unlike AD&D where it's about useless unless you're stabbing a 1st Level Magic User.


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