06 November 2022


I have good days and bad days with my hearing and tinnitus.

I was all but deaf yesterday.

I can hear that people are talking, sometimes I can tell they're speaking to me, but I just hear sounds not words.

Most of the time, when this happens, I can figure it out the third time of them speaking slower and louder.

This normally lasts a couple of days then I'm back to being able to hear OK again.

I say OK, because there's definitely some hearing damage from...  All the loud noises in the Army.

Back in 1990 they didn't check for shit like tinnitus when you ETS'd, and getting it worked on now is a pain in ass.

But after the bullshit of them not bothering to follow-up on my car accident, I think I might just make a point of demanding aid for my hearing.

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