09 November 2022


"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite."

W. Churchill.

The spam trap, which I should check more often, caught several impassioned defenses of racism from my "No Room On The Sidebar" post.

Not a single one signed, all anonymous.

Heroes all? <- Internet needs sarcasm font.

Tossing the N-word and blaming their race in the main post and admitting, in the comments, that it's not just that race whom are guilty of that particular crime without using any pejoratives to describe the non-black perpetrators...

THAT is why the blog is not in the sidebar any longer.

I've no problem with stating facts.

Black people commit crimes disproportionate to their number.

It's a problem.

I don't think it's genetic, I think it's because we've stopped applying the melting-pot model to our society.

I know who to blame for black culture being kneecapped.  It's not the genes and if you don't aim your sights at the racism of Democrats in the late 50's through the late '60's I've a bridge for sale.

Blaming genes for the problem is falling for their narrative.

You've got to address the root causes of things to ever effect change.

Sadly, I don't have much past identifying that original kneecapping that goes towards fixing the issue.

But I have observed at how effective calling our side of the aisle "racists" has been, and is keeping any progress on the very issue of this festering sub-culture that exists in enclaves all across the nation from being made.

Using the language of racists undermines efforts to fix the problem while helping the other side to prevent it from being solved.

And you fell for it.

Feeling clever about it now?


  1. people in general get along with each other, it's when they listen to others that stuff starts falling apart...it will never end...panzer guy

  2. Hey Angus;

    The Black community didn't have all the problems it had until LBJ and his "Great Society" programs of the 1960's fractured the nuclear family, and it fostered the grievance industry that we see now from the activist to the crap we see in the college campuses and everywhere else. Now society is afraid to hold the black community to the same standards as every other society or group. They are treated as children and told "there, there" and allowed to misbehave as it is acceptable, and I find that attitude most reprehensible because it allows for poor behavior and that is a double standard.

  3. There's a lot of history to unpack, and it encompass more than the mid-20th century. -JKing


You are a guest here when you comment. This is my soapbox, not yours. Be polite. Inappropriate comments will be deleted without mention. Amnesty period is expired.

Do not go off on a tangent, stay with the topic of the post. If I can't tell what your point is in the first couple of sentences I'm flushing it.

If you're trying to comment anonymously: You can't. Log into your Google account.

If you can't comprehend this, don't comment; because I'm going to moderate and mock you for wasting your time.