09 November 2018

It Will Be All Very Dramatic

Too many of the shitbags who go on mass shootings are people who should have started and ended with themselves rather than killing anyone else.

To that end...

Should I decide to take my own life, mine will be the only life taken.


With a flair for the dramatic, go someplace that's prime mass-shooting territory, yell "BANG" a lot; then shoot myself.

Leave a note to the effect of, "this is how a mass shooting leading to a suicide by the shooter should go."

Or I could skip all the yelling of "BANG" and just leave the note on my body.  That'd probably be a lot less traumatic for innocent bystanders than attracting attention to myself then making a spectacle of the shot.

Before you call the cops, worried about me, I'm years from being so decrepit that being dead is better than popping an advil or two.  That's more in line with the "I've taken so many pills I'm too full to eat breakfast" point in life.  I'm too much of a sissy to be that old.

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