21 November 2022

Red-Flag Fail

Not sure if I should point this out, but...

Red-Flag laws won't work because fifteen seconds after they were passed and gun owners read what it was, they made provisions to not be disarmed even if every gun in their house was seized and their ID flagged to keep them from buying from an FFL.

This will be used to justify registration, because without knowing about every gun someone owns, you can't be sure your red-flag seizure got all of them.

Honestly, the entire shtick of "hold still and let us fuck you because it might save one life" no longer has any weight to it.

Fucking us won't save any lives and we're very much aware of it, thankyouverymuch.

Part of the problem is assigning motivations which aren't actually present to the owning of a gun.

It's why most gun owners are familiar with the concept of projection and wonder if the people trying to ban guns are possessed of the motivations assigned to gun owners.

I'm sure you've heard a liberal acquaintance say something like, "I couldn't own a gun, I'd murder someone!"  Never phrased so bluntly, of course.

They believe that they'd murder their significant other after a fight, so that's what everyone else would do too?  Therefore anyone who's having a spat must be disarmed?

I can't speak for anyone else, but if Harvey really pisses me off, I remove myself from the situation and go for a limp or drive.  Coincidentally, leaving her with all the guns while I let the flight/fight stuff in the bloodstream run down.  In a way, I choose "flight."

At no point was anyone in any danger, even if I choose to stay and keep arguing.  Even with all the damn guns here.

I don't leave avoid harming her, I leave to break the circular nature of this kind of argument that most every couple has from time to time.

Red-Flag laws are pre-crime punishments that assume that any argument will become a fight and every fight ends with someone getting shot.

If there was even the slightest hint that someone slinging false accusations would be punished for it, perhaps I'd be more relaxed about it.

If the guns were returned with the same haste in which they were taken, perhaps I could relax about it.

Hell, even the option to "upgrade" the red-flag check to a Baker Act (Florida's specific name for an emergency involuntary commitment) might be better.  Then the person gets taken away from the pile of guns, locked up in a hospital, and evaluated to see if they're dangerous.  If not, they get to go home.  End of line, and the hospital stay is cheaper than lawyers and hearings.

But that's not on offer because they don't really want to save anyone from anything.


  1. From my standpoint of workign with law enforcement (I was a staff assistant) the Red Flag laws are used much like the Domestic Violence and Rape laws. Someone has to go to jail, and false claims are never punished, because that would be bad for the 'victim' (being the one calling it in, not the person who actually gets victimized.)

    Bad laws. They need to be eliminated.

  2. it's a way for the left to take guns from people...the only reason they push for them...because getting them back is a nightmare...panzer guy


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