07 December 2022

Genocide By Self Defense?

With the CRT advocate bigot professors talking about committing genocide openly it's time to point out that most genocides predate the word and were the norm for when two incompatible people started to butt heads.

Ask the Sioux how that works.

That we CAN ask the Sioux says a lot about the value of the Victorian mores espoused in the handling of the end of the Indian Wars.

But I suspect that the handling of the CRT wars will be more on the scale of Nazi Germany should these idiots finally light the candle.  A fuse, I might add, that a good number of us are actively keeping damp!

They keep talking in terms which don't take a lot of rationalizing to see they mean to either murder or subjugate white people in a way that will demand a violent response from anyone wishing to remain free and alive.


I don't want this.

They don't want this, though they don't seem to know they don't want it.

1 comment:

  1. My friend Gilbert Tuhabonye's story goes a long way to disprove the claims that there wasn't hatred bigotry and injustice in Africa without white people...


    "On October 21, 1993, the centuries-old war between the Tutsi and Hutu tribes erupted in horrific reality one afternoon as Gilbert and his classmates were in school. The Hutu classmates at the Kibimba school, their parents, some teachers and other Hutu tribesmen, forced more than a hundred Tutsi children and teachers into a room where they beat and burned them to death."

    CENTURIES OLD. The disputes between these two tribes pre-date colonialism, so it can't be blamed on white people. And these disputes continued well after the colonial period when Rwanda and Burundi were under black governance.

    Here's the thing. Gilbert came to America, worked hard and found success. So much for CRT. It's hatred as bad or worse than what it claims to be against and hopefully in the end it will be self defeating.

    People like Gilbert who have a positive attitude and are willing to work hard succeed even when life isn't fair.

    People like Britany Cooper make money off promoting hatred and are the kind of people who cause violence and genocide.


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