16 December 2022

Moar From St Benitez

 Sorry about the TTAG link.

It's sure looking like California's AWB is about to die.


  1. So? It's California. They'll have 3 more much worse bans passed and signed by 9am the day the current law dies. And 9 more ready for when the 3 get shot down, then 27 more by the time the 9 get shot down, etc, etc, etc.

    California politics are just plain loony. No amount of common sense or logic can ever be applied to anything they do out there via politics. Denying actual science all the time with their wars against food and power and everything else.

    Seriously, it's long past time to revoke California's statehood and turn it back into a territory. But if we do that, those jackwagons in DC will have total control of the fruit bowl.

    1. The good news about that tactic is it trends to make SCOTUS make unanimous rulings against the tactic.

      It'd be hilarious to get them to scream, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED MEANS WHAT IT SAYS!" in response to California and New York defying them.

  2. It's going to be interesting to watch the libtards squeal like the little Stalinista piggies they are.

  3. The problem with CA is that they've given far too much moral authority to leftists and weirdos.

  4. 1) One ought never to confuse political power with moral authority. The Venn diagram of that tends to look like the last two letters in cuckoo.

    2) One can but hope Benitez acts thusly. And slides in a few words about mag cap rules and ammo registries as backdoor attempts to the same unconstitutional end.

    3) Asking for a friend: How many gun shops are there in DC, NYFC, and Chicongo proper, years after Heller and McDonald?

    4) I suspect we're only going to get the rights we're willing to shoot people in the face to keep, anywhere, and ever. So far, the Constitution is working for us just about as well as a restraining order against a homicidal pissed off ex-.

    If that's the case, the sooner the better, and we should probably resolve to get on with that showdown. Harsh language isn't getting it done.

  5. Meanwhile, Illinois is going to pass an AWB without a grandfather clause. Possession of two or more "high capacity" magazines once the bill is signed is an instant class 2 felony. And as further political trickery, the Democrats are going to push it through the lame duck session in January when only a simple majority is needed. It's as if the legislature is completely ignoring the SCOTUS rulings to date.



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