20 December 2022

What Rank Is He Again?

In the miniseries 1883 Sam Elliot's buddy is wearing a blue Army blouse with cavalry sergeant's stripes.

He's also wearing officer's hat braids.

And a Pinkerton badge...

Costuming at random it seems.


  1. There were no cowboy "uniforms". They wore they could get. Same with the "decorations". Just a memory of someone he shot at some point. 'Sides, if it causes someone to hesitate, even for a moment,........

    1. The cavalry shirt and stripes are clearly from when he was in 10 Cav. Pinkerton badge from current job. No explanation why he's got an officer's hat.

      The show sucks so hard that I wish there was an explanation just to keep me interested.

    2. Other blogs comment on the fact that they could have, in 1883, just taken the damned train.

      But, yeah, pieces parts of whatever is available. Who needs realistic clothing? Just look at the remake of "Magnificent Seven." (I hurled when I saw commercials for that movie, have yet to see it as I hold the original (and "The Seven Samurai" from whence it came) as masterpieces (and where exactly are broke cowboys gonna get their hands on a friggin Gatling Gun?))

    3. At least the insufferable daughter dies the long, slow lingering death that one would after getting an arrow all the way through her guts.

    4. "(and where exactly are broke cowboys gonna get their hands on a friggin Gatling Gun?)"

      In Gatlingburg, Tennessee?

      Oh, wait. Wait. The town's name is Gatlinburg, without the middle "G." My bad... ;-)

      (To be fair, the settlement apparently received the name "Gatlinburg" in 1856, so at least I wasn't anachronistic in my joke.)

    5. I heard there used to be four brothers who could really make one of those guns sing!


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