14 December 2022

The Math Checks Out

Canadian Covid Science™ says that the unvaccinated had more car accidents than the vaccinated.

I did not get vaccinated.

I crashed The Precious.

Marv got vaccinated.

He did not crash any of his cars.



  1. More support for your math... I also got vaccinated, albeit with the Novovax, which is not an mRNA vaccine (more traditional cloned protein spike vaccine). I have not had any car accidents since being vaccinated.

    Of course... you had me at "Canadian"... Eh?


  2. Rule One of Studies: Correlation ≠ Causation

    They're also overlooking the obvious: The unvaxxed are having more car accidents, because unlike those who got vaxxed and then died of Suddenly, the unvaxxed are still alive to be driving.

    Facts are stubborn things.

    1. But but but! Our anecdote aligns with the study therefore MUST BE TRUE!

      Except for that whole plural of anecdote ≠ data...

    2. Also note the "SCIENCE!" tag is not really for science, it's best said loudly and with gusto... as if one is in a Monty Python sketch.

    3. Or a Thomas Dolby song.


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