22 December 2022

OMG The Drama

Karl at InRange appears to support AntiFa.

Much of this appearance comes from his own postings at various social media outlets.

But this is no surprise.  He's been like this for years.

Oh, and he also appears to be a Satanist.  Never you mind that more evil has been fomented on the world by Christians than Satanism.

I stopped bothering with his channel when he did the five minutes of silence for (Only) Black Lives Matter.

But the drama brigade at Arfcom is doing the witch-hunt guilty by association shit because Karl also associates with the LGBT community.

Some of whom are a bit "out there".

And since a goodly number of the religious right cannot see the difference between someone who's gay or trans and someone who's criminally trying to get into a child's pants...

So, anyone who associates with Karl must be of a like mind with the groomers and pederasts.

In the first place, they should really read the book they claim God gave their prophets.  That whole line about gay being wrong is about pederasty and not buggery.  Look it up!

Again, why does the Atheist know this and you don't?

Further, dressing in the opposite gender's clothes ≠ want to have sex with kids.  It doesn't even mean they want to convince kids to bend their own genders.

That there ARE trans people who do, does not mean they all do.

Making the assumption that some do means that all do is, say it with me, bigotry.

That there are people who are trans who have no desire to sleep with kids or convince them to change their genders does NOT mean that pederasty or corrupting the youth is good.

The trick is to learn there's a difference.

You don't even have to LIKE LGBT people, but you are going to have to come to grips that there are LGBT people who will pay for the gasoline to burn groomers at the stake.


  1. I pretty much totally agree. That Karl is a real idiot based on his postings. Anyone who supports hate groups like BLM and Stalinist freedom hating bullies like AntiFa... Well, f him and his channel. As for LGBTQ... none of my business... and frankly, most people on the right should just mind their own business. Gays are going to do what they're going to do and centuries of oppression didn't stop them or "straighten" them out. So why waste time worrying about it? If they aren't actually the kind that actually is involved in or supporting hurting children (which we should all agree is wrong), then just let it go.

  2. First off, I like this post. Facts and honest opinion without the hysterical screeching from elsewhere. Karl has been an interesting watch for a while. Some of his stuff makes a lot of sense and some of it not so much. His history vids for example have been educational on the broad picture of events, but some of the conclusions he draws don't match the facts given so I can only assume the conclusion is not correct or some significant facts are missing. They also seem to be biased to always have a "good guy victim" and "evil guy perpetrator" when reality has shown things are rarely so clear cut and it is common to find good, bad, and worse on both sides of events.

    In regards to LGBT folks and people in general, there are people who live their lives and do their daily business and leave others alone, and there are those that push their lifestyle and activities in the face of anyone who dares to look or be drawn into conversation. I have seen this occur with LGBT folks as well as people with strongly held religious beliefs. It has been my experience, multiple times, in doing business with folks from different backgrounds that the stronger the presentation about their lifestyle (religion or LGBT or otherwise) the more likely that person is to try to screw you in a business transaction. The presence of lifestyle indicators makes no real difference, but if you're trying to buy something and the seller makes their personal mantra part of the sales pitch where it has no relation to it, you're about to get screwed.



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