04 December 2022

I Have Been Remiss

I appears that literally days after I last posted about Mt Soledad's cross that the Mt Soledad Memorial Association was successful in their attempt to purchase the land from the government.

That did not end the litigation.

That took another year.

As of September 7, 2016 the 9th Circuit court ruled the matter moot since the land and cross were no longer owned by a government.

I tend to agree that the government shouldn't own religious symbols, but the decision about the meaning of a symbol should not be left to the people who hate religion.

That they hate the symbol was made evident in their repeated blocking of the sale to a private party who intended to keep that cross.

If the issue was actually that the government owned the site, then selling the site would have fixed the problem for everyone.

The problem for the anti-religious bigots was, and is, the fact that such symbols exist at all where they can see them.

Once someone stepped forward to make the site private and to retain the memorial, they demanded the site be sold to THEM so they could destroy it.  Destroying the memorial was their preferred option in 28 years of litigation.

So, although I support the separation of Church and State, I also oppose fanatics on both sides of the religion in public debate.

When the anti-religion bigots can explain how their goals differ from State Atheism I will consider their bigotry cured.  Do look at them hard and pay attention and see if you can tell the difference between what they ultimately want and the state religion being Atheism.

Another reason to hate them is they would not say a fucking peep if that giant cross on Mt Soledad was a giant crescent.

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