23 December 2022

Gotta Sell It

The Karl Kasarda drama brings another thing to light that needs mentioned.

I am an Atheist.

You have to convince me to use your moral values on their actual value and not because God Says.

Condemning someone for worshiping Satan carries no weight with me either.

Your invisible friends not liking each other doesn't matter to me.

The Satanist is just as crazy as a Christian from here.

Where I depart from many Atheists is having no desire to "cure" the Faithful.

If believing in God makes you happy, I can be happy that you are happy as long as you don't decide to make me unhappy by trying to force your invisible buddy's orders on me.

For the most part, this isn't a problem.

I have many friends who go to church on Sundays (and a couple to Temple on Saturday).

That rambling intro brings us to the main problem with the thread on Arfcom.

Karl definitely pulls off the edgelord contrarian schtick, and the Satanism thing really appears to be a LARP rather than a genuine spiritual belief.

But the reason that some of the most vehement objectors are in these long, rambling "we hate Karl" threads is because they think that God thinks they should be.  It's religion rather than logic that drives them to speak up and condemn Karl for his actions.

And Karl can do no good in their perspective.

They have a hard corps need to paint anyone whom associates with Karl as being in lockstep with his opinions and beliefs.

KE Arms has been drug into it because Sinistral Rifleman, aka Russel Phagan, the marketing director of KE Arms is also friends with Karl.

At issue is KE Arms being willing to sell firearms and parts to people who aren't far right Christians.

Something that Karl fucks up supporting is that the LGBT folks have every right to defend themselves and have recent history of being physically assaulted for merely being themselves.

Remember, edgelord...  That translates handily into, "only speaks in hyperbole."

It alienates effectively people who might agree with him and drives a further wedge between someone like me supporting LGBT gun ownership and Christian who's still weirded out by "teh gheys".

Being opposed to our chowderheaded politicians in a manner which gives aid and comfort to Antifa is fucking stupid.  But I really think he is simply opposed to our chowderheaded politicians... he's just so engaged in the expression of hyperbole he can't express it at a lower volume.

He's like the Libertarian who keeps demanding ANARCHY NOW who can't comprehend that anarchy is too simple to have never been tried and it's never survived long enough to make record of its existence.

I pity Karl far more than I hate him.

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