21 May 2023

A Pity Anglave No Longer Visits



  1. Democrats only question the authority when they aren't in power. Once they are in power we aren't allowed to question them. It's been that way since FDR's time. They questioned Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Bush II and Trump. But we weren't/aren't allowed to question Truman (though he didn't do much wrong, actually he was pretty republicanish,) Kennedy, LBJ (hwack, sptooie,) Carter, the Clintons (we know who really was in charge of that pair,) Obama and now Biden.

    Hell, the Dems have been forcing people to not question them since they first took over.

  2. That's a pretty interesting video. -swj

  3. Well, I won't argue climate change with you. Doesn't matter anyway since we past the tipping point 15 years ago. We're all along for the ride and no point in arguing over what the ride is. -JKing


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