11 May 2023

Don's NOT Pro-Gun

He's not pro-gun.  Not at all.

He did a lot of good, but the bad is very bad.

I would prefer to vote for someone else.


  1. Unfortunately for Dems, the judges Trump appointed ARE rather rabidly pro2A.
    Like to the point of rolling back AWBs and magazine restrictions in multiple cases, and setting federal precedent beyond the reach of presidential or executive branch agency whims.
    Trump's comments mainly light up the gut-shot NRA as nothing but controlled opposition since the 1960s, more than anything else.
    Also, let's not forget that even Reagan signed laws against open and concealed carry while he was a governor, and Class II perma-bans in the misnamed FOPA of 1986 as president.
    Republican elected toadies in general, and at every level, haven't been pro-2A until very recently, and they've all only been dragged there kicking and screaming every step of the way.

    But the central question assumes anyone's vote will even matter in '24, which likelihood is nowhere in evidence.

  2. I've never been a big Trump fan. When he first ran back in 2016, he wasn't my choice during the primary season. However, he was better than anyone the Dems had. And compared to Hillary... no question, the lesser evil.

    But yeah... he's a New Yorker, and a former Democrat or at least Democrat sympathizer back in the day. So I don't trust him on gun issues at all. His bump stock ban showed his true colors... and I even think bump stocks are kinda stupid... But the ban is BS, and a bad precedent that Trump shouldn't have done.

    And he can be very annoying. I often wish he'd shut up... However, sometimes I enjoy the fact that he annoys libtards even more than he does me... soo... it's hard to say.

    But yeah, I would rather see an alternative. I like DeSantis for the most part.

  3. The Electoral college elects presidents, not us.

    If you live in a Blue State, then your state's electoral votes got to the Dem, and vice versa for Red states. So if you're a dyed-in-the-wool Red or Blue voter living in a state that is the opposite of your color preference, then your vote for president is meaningless.

    Your vote in local elections does matter. But president? Nope.



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