17 May 2023

Traps Set

Got roach motels positioned all around the kitchen.

Got three different kinds of bombs ready.

Harvey and The Boy go to state Special Olympics on Thursday, so I will be bombing every couple hours for three days!

I even have a different kind of trap coming today.

If this doesn't work, I'm calling Truly Nolen.


  1. Hi Angus!!!,
    Go Book store huntin' and find a copy of "The Lives and Times of Archy The Cock Roach and Mihitabel the Cat" by Don Marquie... (Sp questionabe but close).. Archy makes a most memorable quote about our situation and Don wrote all this back in the 1920's (I think??) I have the book somewhere in my archives... now to go find it... again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Audentes, Fortuna, Iuvat!!!!!,

  2. Mr. McThag,
    Save yourself some time and misery. I live in the woods and only use Bengal spray in a can. No odor, dries quickly and the only roaches I find in my house are tits-up. I spray door openings, windows and the outer sides of the breaker panel. I do not have any live roaches. Last time I bought a can it was $14.99 but I do not need it very often so I don't know the going price. I actuallu got rid of a German Roach infestation with the Bengal.

    1. Bengal was the brand of the first round of bombs. Permethrin appears to get to them.

  3. Oops, I forgot to sign. Devil Tongue


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