12 May 2023

I Like The Cut Of His Jib

'If the Court were to exclude 18-to-20-year-olds from the Second Amendment's protection, it would impose limitations on the Second Amendment that do not exist with other constitutional guarantees,'

--U.S. District Court Judge Robert Payne

Fraser v BATFE 

It's got a long way to go, but it appears we're winning the opening salvo and Bruen is paying dividends.


  1. I've always argued that there should only be one age of majority... You can sign contracts, join the military, drink, own firearms, vote, etc... If it's 18 or 21, matters little to me as long as it is consistent. But that's just me I guess...

    1. Agreed. One age. Personally I think in the big picture, Voting is FAR more important of a responsibility than anything else because it literally affects EVERYTHING. If someone can't be trusted to buy a beer or buy a rifle or handgun, then I sure don't want them to have input on choosing our president or congress.

  2. And another elephant in the room takes a headshot from a .50 Nitro Express.

    It shouldn't be so gobsmacking that they finally appointed a federal judge somewhere who can read and write English, yet here we are.
    This decision should have come down around 1971 or 1972.


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