25 May 2023

A Waste On So Many Levels

The Clinton legacy keeps on giving.  Link in case the embedd is broke.

Surplus should be made available to any citizen who wants it rather than being destroyed.

I'm even OK with charging the citizens a nominal fee to get it; though the citizens have already paid for it.

But destroying it...

It's being bad custodians of the taxpayer's money.

Lug that shit back to supply at the very least is what we should be doing.


  1. Same with all the weapons and vehicles and other stuff that Congress has declared must be destroyed or cut into pieces before it's sold as scrap.

    We should have been able to buy surplus tanks, aircraft, cannon, rifles, machine guns of all sorts, all of it, but, no, the powers-that-be are too scared of us peons to allow us to have the good stuff.

    1. Not even the "good" stuff, the last season's unfashionable stuff.

    2. Yep. But Congress is scared of us, so we aren't allowed.

      Billions to the Taliban. Billions to Ukraine. Billions in military support across the world. But none for us.

  2. my dad worked heavy construction when I was kid... he told they worked in a gov project once and when they finished, they buried a bunch of the tractors which were all brave new the day they started the project... because the gov didn't want to pay to transport them.... panzer guy

  3. There is no such thing as "government surplus" for anything. It ALL (100%) belongs to We The People seeing every bit of it is paid for by our tax dollars and the future debt owed by our children and grandchildren. Every signgle item "the government" deems to be no longer needed should by law, go to auction or be donated to U.S. citizens. This precludes giving it away to any foreigner or foreign entity. I'd have no problem with picking up a nice YP boat or surplus generator right now.

  4. The government was also trying to stop Winchester (current operator) from selling Lake City ammunition retail since typically the contract allows the operator to run the plant and sell whatever the military doesn't buy. Petty BS but then the Dems love that


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