13 May 2023

Corporations Need A Darwin Defense

If someone is too stupid to know that a beverage made with boiling water, or a foodstuff that's prepared in boiling oil is hot and will burn you; they deserve to be burned.

It is not McDonald's fault for not explaining hot food.  It's the grossly negligent parents.

We've got to get past this bullshit or there won't be any businesses left.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, every attempt to write legislation cutting down frivolous lawsuits and attempting to add penalties to tamp down payments in civil lawsuits has been stopped... by the lawyers who have unending buckets of cash.

    Now there does need to be civil lawsuits. But there needs to be some checks on them. The recent Trump civil lawsuit is a fine example of a lawsuit that should have been thrown out. Being forced to pay for defaming someone who filed wholy trumped up charges against him is the very epitome of fraudulent lawsuits. Where's the ability to file a case against her? (Yes, I know he may have the ability but you and I and even the little green martians all know that would be thrown out in a New York minute.)

    Tort reform is way so needed.


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